Specializing in Depression and Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Addiction,
Challenges facing Adults Young and Old, Mood, Personality & Thought Disorders
Working with clients on issues including: Alcohol Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety or Fears, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Behavioral Issues, Coping Skills, Family Conflict, Eating Disorders, Gambling, Loss or Grief, Medication Management, Parenting, Relationship Issues, Self-esteem, Sleep Issues, Substance Abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Read about Kathleen M. McNulty in BP Magazine October, 2015:
“......You want to get out of the depression, but you want to do it piece by piece, little by little,” explains Washington, D.C.-area therapist Kathleen McNulty, LCSW. Practically speaking, she explains, that might look like this: Instead of going on a hike, walk around the block. Instead of starting a garden plot, buy a basil plant. If you’re too depressed to brush your teeth, put water with dental rinse into a spray bottle. “The more you pile up those ‘good enough’ experiences, the faster you’ll find yourself in the flow of day-to-day life and coming out of the depression,” McNulty says......
Accepting New Clients
Accepts Medicare.
Receipts can be submitted for reimbursement by many health insurance carriers.
Do you worry that you are not a good enough parent, partner or friend?
Do you have trouble getting to sleep when you are overloaded with thoughts about mistakes you've made?
Do you wake up most mornings feeling depressed or anxious?
Are your moods swinging- do you have a short fuse- or are you shutting down?
If yes, you could be suffering from depression & anxiety.
The cause could be chemical-due to a family history or it could be your current life situation, a loss, or a traumatic event.
Traumatic events include becoming a caregiver to a family member with mental illness.
Over 20 years I have specialized in helping clients rebuild their lives and have taught them how to "tune in" to themselves in order to use their words and ask for what they really wanted in life. I have helped clients weld and repair the relationships that were damaged by their depression and anxiety.
I have helped scientists, government workers, (with security clearances), writers, politicians, artists, chefs, nurses, doctors, lawyers, international development professionals, and corporate employees. I have helped parents, retirees, Veterans & students.
If you want to start the process, please contact me and get started taking care of yourself today.
I work with clients in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia.
Read about Kathleen M. McNulty in Psychology Today
We're Moving Upstairs September 1, 2016!
4405 East West Highway Suite 411 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Near Bethesda Metro on Red Line and close to parking For a map and directions click here Phone: (301) 717-1155 Fax: (301) 654-4742 www.mcnultytherapy.com www.mindhealthsolutions.net Additional Location: George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2121 I Street Washington, DC 20052 Email Kathleen McNulty IMPORTANT: Sending an email using this page does not guarantee that I will receive,read or respond to your email. Please call to ensure that I get your message. |